No. 17/M-DAG/PER/9/2005




In view of :


To revoke :


To stipulate :


Article 1

Referred to in this regulation as :

Article 2

(1) SKA is issued on the basis of request from exporters for attaching upon exporting goods coming from Indonesia.

(2) The request of the exporters as meant in paragraph (1) is submitted in the framework of fulfilling :

(3) Kind and model of the form of SKA as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective designation are as contained in Attachment I to this regulation.

Article 3

(1) Certain goods whose export must be accompanied by SKA as meant in Article 2 paragraph (2) letter c are further stipulated by a regulation of the Director General.

(2) The certain goods as meant in paragraph (1) must be accompanied by SKA Form A or SKA on the basis of international agreement.

(3) Verification of sources of raw materials and production process can be applied to the export of certain goods.

(4) The institutions issuing special SKA to certain goods are further stipulated by a regulation of the Director General.

Article 4

The issuance of SKA to the exported goods as meant in Article 2 paragraphs (1) and (2) must meet the provisions on the issuance of SKA on the basis of the kinds as contained in Attachment II to this regulation and other provisions in force.

Article 5

(1) Exporters must submit applications to the issuing institution in accordance with the designation for the issuance of SKA.

(2) The applications for the issuance of SKA as meant in paragraph (1) must be accompanied by the following supporting-documents:

Article 6

(1) Forms of SKA in accordance with their designation must be completed in the English language clearly, completely and truthfully in accordance with the provisions effective for the respective kinds of SKA.

(2) The institutions issuing SKA are obliged to examine the data/information and completeness of supporting documents.

Article 7

In connection with the applications for the issuance of SKA as meant in Article S paragraph (1), the institutions issuing SKA must give response to the application in not later than one day after the date off receipt of the application in the form of:

Article 8

Procedures for completing forms of SKA in accordance with the respective kinds of designation are as contained in Attachment VII to this regulation.

Article 9

(1) The institutions issuing SKA as meant in Article S paragraph (1) is:

(2) The certain requirements as meant in paragraph (1) letter a are that the following conditions must be available the working area of the provincial; regent/municipal service:

(3) The authority as meant in paragraph (1) letter a is delegated to the Director General to stipulate the provincial/regent/municipal service fulfilling the requirements as meant in paragraph (2) as institutions issuing SKA.

(4) The minister can stipulate other institutions/agencies/bodies as SKA issuers other that the issuing institutions as meant in paragraph (1) and other provisions other than the provisions as meant in paragraph (2).

Article 10

(1) Officials signing SKA are stipulated by a regulation of the Director General;

(2) Officials having authority and responsibility in the issuance of SKA in the respective institutions issuing SKA as meant in paragraph (1) are as follows :

(3) The Heads of Provincial/Regental/Municipal Service/ Sub-Service, Marketing and Service Director, Deputy for Trade, Service and Industry, Deputy for Operational Affairs, Heads of BPSMB/Tobacco Institution as meant in paragraph (2) delegate their authority and responsibility for signing SKA to Alternate Officials I and II if they are absent.

(4) Besides the provision as meant in paragraph (3), the Heads of Provincial/Regental/Municipal Service/Sub-Service, Marketing and Service Director, Deputy for Trade, Service and Industry, Deputy for Operational Affairs, Heads of BPSMB/Tobacco Institution as meant in paragraph (2) can distribute job to alternate officials by delegating authority to sign SKA made in writing after considering the volume of issuance of SKA in the respective institutions.

(5) The list of names of officials and alternate officials having authority and responsibility for signing SKA as meant in paragraph (2) as well as specimens of signatures of the respective officials and alternate officials must be conveyed to the Director General.

(6) In the case of any change in the officials and/or alternate officials having authority and responsibility for signing SKA as meant in paragraph (2), the officials and/or alternate officials still have authority and responsibility for signing SKA until the replacement is stipulated definitively and the list of names of the officials and/or alternate officials replacing the relevant as well as specimens of signature are conveyed officially to the Director General.

Article 11

(1) In order to smooth the issuance of SKA, institutions issuing SKA can use an automatic system by utilizing information technology can use automatic system by utilizing information technology.

(2) In the event that institutions using SKA use the automatic system as meant in paragraph (1), the provision on the obligation to enclose the supporting documents to applications for the issuance of SKA as meant in Article 5 paragraph (2) continue to be implemented before the signing of SKA.

(3) Provisions and procedures for the implementation of the automatic system of the issuance of SKA are further regulated by a regulation of the Director General.

Article 12

(1) Exporters can choose any of the institutions issuing SKA as meant in Article 9 paragraph (1) letter a for the issuance of SKA as long as the institutions meet the requirements as meant in Article 9 paragraph (2) with the provision as follows:

Article 13

The issuance of SKA to the export of coffee as goods subjected to export control on the basis of international agreement can be done by the appointed institutions issuing SKA in both provincial and regental/municipal level.

Article 14

In issuing SKA, the institutions issuing SKA must use special seal like specimen as contained in Attachment VIIIa by enclosing code numbers of the respective areas in accordance with the code numbers of regions as contained in Attachment VIIIb to this regulation.

Article 15

In issuing SKA, the institutions issuing SKA are obliged to convey report on the issuance of SKA every month to the Director General of Foreign Trade in this case the Director of Export and Import Facilities of the Ministry of Trade by using the model of report as meant in Attachment IX to this regulation.

Article 16

Provisions and technique of the implementation related to procedures for the issuance of SKA, specimens of signature, verification of SKA, settlement of verification of SKA and conveyance of reports are regulated by a regulation of the Director General.

Article 17

Violation of the provisions in this regulation and its technical directives is subject to the following sanctions :

Article 18

(1) Officials or alternate officials and institutions issuing SKA having authority and responsibility in the issuance of SKA as well as the use of seal in institutions issuing SKA, which are stipulated on the basis of Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 618/MPP/Kep/10/2004 are declared to remain effective until the new officials or alternate officials and institutions issuing SKA are stipulated by the Director General.

(2) The Officials or alternate officials and the institutions issuing SKA as meant in paragraph (1) are the officials or alternate officials and institutions issuing SKA already stipulated by the Director General before the enforcement of this regulation, as contained in Attachment X.

(3) The Officials or alternate officials and the institutions issuing SKA already stipulated by the Director General outside those mentioned in Attachment X remain affective up to December 31, 2005.

(4) Reduction or addition to the Institutions issuing SKA are stipulated by the Director General as meant in Article 9 paragraph (3) and Article 10 paragraph (1) is stipulated by the Director General as meant in Article 9 paragraph (3) and Article 10 paragraph (1).

Article 19

The regulation comes into force as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be published by placing in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On September 30, 2005